Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi My Name is S&P

And I sniff used books...

Yes I am a used book sniffer, and in general a book addict.  I love books, in the way that Joan Rivers loves plastic surgery, if you need a metaphoric reference point for my addiction.  As such one day of our upcoming Portland trip will be spent in Powell's.  I plan on sniffing as many books as I can and buying only two books, or maybe three... So few?  Well yes because while I have reading list a mile long - I am actually looking for beautiful books.  I blame these lovely people for my addiction.  I purchased two of their French language books with fabric covered sleeves and now all my other pulp based children look sad.  I digress.  BOOKS! That is the heart of our trip.


  1. I confess... I am a book sniffer too. We should start Book Sniffer's Anonymous.

  2. I just realized that would be an awesome lit blog title!!!
